IP Forum 2013


When: August 9, 2013 08:30 ~ 11:30 AM

  • Section I: IP Forum, 08:30 ~ 10:00 AM
  • Section II: IP Competition, 10:00 ~ 11:30 AM


Where: Sheraton Meadowlands Hotel, NJ, USA


Co-host: KorusIP, ISTK, ETRI





Opening Ceremony


Opening Remark

Paul Taeksoo Lee

Welcoming Speech

Ho-Nam Chang

Welcoming Speech

Heung-Nam Kim

Congratulatory Address

Myung Jung Lee

Congratulatory Address

Ki-Seok Ko

Commemorative Photographing


IP Forum


Korea’s IP Strategy: Paving way for the Creative Economy

Ki-Seok, Ko


Different models of IP monetization and Growth of IP monetization marketplace

Peter D. Holden


IP Cooperation between Korea and US

Ho-Hyung Park


R&D and IP Protection

Min-Sheo Choi


Global IP War & Strategy

Steven S. Payne

IP Competition Final


IP Awareness for Scientists & Engineers

Rachel A. Wallaco

Award Ceremony




Ki-Seok Ko

Secretary-General / Deputy Minister of Office of IP Strategy & Planning, PCIP / MSIP


Rachel A. Wallace

Director of Global Intellectual Property Academy, USPTO


Peter D. Holden

Senior Vice President, IPVALUE Management Inc.

Ho-Hyung Park

Intellectual Property Counsel, Embassy of the Republic of Korea


Steven S. Payne

Senior Patent Attorney, LRK Patent Law Firm


Min-Sheo Choi

Director of IP Business Team, ETRI

** Click here to download '2013 IP Forum' Pamphlet file (PDF)

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